Dr. Susan Aaronson
GWU Research Professor; Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation (GIGI); Director, Digital Trade & Data Governance Hub
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: digital trade, trade and human rights, AI and data governance
email: saaronson2@gmail.com
Carolina Ines Aguerre
Associate Professor, University of St. Andrews, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Digital Trade, Internet Governance, AI
email: carolinaaguerre@gmail.com
- Aguerre, Carolina. (2018). Digital trade in Latin America: mapping issues and approaches. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance. 21. 10.1108/DPRG-11-2018-0063.
- Aguerre, Carolina (2020). National AI Strategies and Data Governance in the Region in Aguerre, C. (Ed.) Inteligencia Artificial en América Latina y el Caribe. Ética, gobernanza y políticas. CETyS, Universidad de San Andres. ISBN 2684-0278
Mira Burri
Professor, University of Lucerne
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: WTO, WTO and digital trade, intellectual property
email: mira.burri@unilu.ch
Oscar Borgogno
Research Officer, International Relations and Economics Directorate Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research - Italy
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Antitrust Law And Financial Regulation
Anupam Chandar
Professor of Law, Georgetown University
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Communications and technology law, intellectual property, international trade, privacy
email: ac1931@georgetown.edu
Sabina Ciofu
Head of EU and Trade Policy, techUK (Policy Advisor in the European Parliament for almost a decade)
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Tech-related legislation, international trade and EU-US relations, relationship between artificial intelligence and foreign policy decision-making
email: sabina.ciofu@techuk.org
Dan Ciuriak
Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation (GIGI); Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Economics of the data-driven economy and the international trade aspects of the digital
email: dan@ciuriakconsulting.com
Nigel Cory
Associate Director, Trade Policy, Information and Technology Innovation Foundation (and former Australian trade official)
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: ecommerce, digital trade, data governance, data-driven innovation, digital intellectual property, WTO ecommerce negotiations, and digital development
email: ncory@itif.org
Thomas Cottier
Professor, University of Bern (former Managing Director of the World Trade Institute)
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Intellectual property and international trade regulation, human rights and theory of multilevel governance, and general principles of law
email: thomas.cottier@wti.org
Sissi De la Peña
Regional Digital Trade Manager, ALAI Public Policy & Government Affairs
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Digital trade & commerce, digital taxation
email: sissidelapena@alai.lat
William J. Drake
Professor, University of Zurich
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Digital trade & commerce, digital taxation
email: william.drake@uzh.ch
Sam duPont
Deputy Director, Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative, German Marshall Fund (former Director, Digital Trade, Office of the US Trade Representative)
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: WTO e-commerce negotiations, US-EU digital trade relations, Indian digital policy, foreign investment review, surveillance technology
email: sdupont@gmfus.org
Manfred Elsig
Professor, University of Bern
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Politics of international trade, digital trade, regional trade agreements, and private actors in global politics
email: manfred.elsig@wti.org
Robert (Bob) Fay
Director of Research for Digital Economy, Centre for International Governance Innovation (GIGI)
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Digital economy, macro- and micro-economic research and policy analysis
email: rfay@cigionline.org
Janos Ferencz
Trade Policy Analyst, Trade in Services Division, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, OECD
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Services trade, digital trade regulations, barriers to digital trade
email: Janos.FERENCZ@oecd.org
Henry S. Gao
Professor, Singapore Management University
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: WTO, e-commerce negotiations, free trade agreements, data regulation, China
email: henrygao@smu.edu.sg
Stephanie Honey
Honey Consulting and former trade negotiator for New Zealand
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Digital trade rules, the digital economy, regional economic integration, the World Trade Organization (WTO), agriculture and food trade
Kristina Irion
Professor, University of Amsterdam; Research Director in public policy at the Centre for Media and Communications Studies at the Central European University in Budapest
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: EU law, International trade law, Human rights-based governance, Global data value chains, Transnational technologies
email: k.irion@uva.nl
Burcu Kilic
Director, Digital Rights Program & Research Director, Public Citizen
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Trade agreements, privacy, data protection, consumer rights, transparency, intellectual property, and AI
email: bkilic@citizen.org
Nicolas Köhler-Suzuki
Trade Policy Advisor, International Trade Intelligence; Associated Researcher, Jacques Delors Institute; Co-founder, Trade Policy Exchange
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Digital trade, EU digital trade policy
email: nicolas@tradeintelligence.eu
- EU-India cooperation towards a Digital Economy
Partnership Agreement: A steppingstone to update the multilateral economic rulebook for the 21st Century - Strategic choices for the EU’s digital trade policy after the US election
- New evidence on the impact of customs duties for digitizable products and electronic transmissions. The cases of Egypt and Vietnam
- Policymakers need access to the metadata of trade agreements to facilitate international trade
Dongchul Kwak
Assistant Professor, Kyungpook National University
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Digital trade, digital trade policy, international economic law, ICT standardization
email: kwakdc@knu.ac.kr
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås
Senior Associate, CEP; Visiting professor, Örebro University - Sweden
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Digital technology, regulation, services trade, competition, and jobs in the services sectors
email: Hkn@cepbweb.org
Patrick LeBlond
Professor, University of Ottawa, Senior Fellow, Centre for International Governance Innovation (GIGI)
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Global economic governance and international political economy, regional economic integration, financial regulation, and business and public policy
email: patrick.leblond@uottawa.ca
Javier López González
Senior Trade Policy Analyst, OECD – OCDE
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: WTO e-commerce discussions, economic analysis of digital trade, cross-border data flows, e-commerce moratorium
Bashar Malkawi
Global Professor of Practice in Law, University of Arizona
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Interaction between digital trade and international trade agreements
email: bmalkawi@arizona.edu
Joshua Meltzer
Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution; former trade negotiator for Australia
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: WTO and FTA negotiations relating to investment, services and digital trade; G20 data flow priorities; APEC digital economy and trade developments
email: jmeltzer@brookings.edu
Neha Mishra
Lecturer, ANU College of Law, The Australian National University
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: International Trade Law, Digital Trade, Data Governance
email: neha.mishra@anu.edu.au
Prof. Andrew Mitchell
Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Law, Monash University, Australia
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Digital Trade; International Trade Law; International Investment Law; International Law
email: andrew.mitchell@monash.edu
Shin-yi PENG
Distinguished Professor of Law, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Digital Trade; Trade in Services; International Trade Law
email: sypeng@gapp.nthu.edu.tw
Teresa Scassa
Research Chair in Information Law, University of Ottawa Law School
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Intellectual property law, law and technology, and privacy
email: Teresa.Scassa@uottawa.ca
Ido Sivan-Sevilla, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Privacy & Public Policy, Cybersecurity, AdTech, GDPR Enforcement, Privacy as Contextual Integrity, Web Privacy, Cyber Insurance, Certification, National Security, Risk Governance
email: sevilla@umd.edu
- Complementaries and Contradictions: National Security and Privacy Risks in U.S. Federal Policy, 1968–2018
- Europeanisation on demand: the EU cybersecurity certification regime between market integration and core state powers (1997–2019)
- Framing and governing cyber risks: comparative analysis of U.S. Federal policies [1996–2018]
- Supranational security states for national security problems: governing by rules & capacities in tech-driven security spaces
- The civic transformation of data privacy implementation in Europe
- Toward (Greater) Consumer Surveillance in a ‘Cookie-less’ World
- Unaccounted Privacy Violation
- Varieties of enforcement strategies post-GDPR
- When Cybersecurity Meets the Regulatory State: Case-Study Analysis of the Israeli Cybersecurity Regulatory Regime
Antony Taubman
Director, Intellectual Property Division, World Trade Organization
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Intellectual property, digital trade, trade in knowledge
email: antony.taubman@wto.org
Lee Tuthill
Counsellor, World Trade Organization
Areas of Expertise/Specialization: Telecommunications, ICT services, and electronic commerce
email: lee.tuthill@wto.org
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