About the event
@DataGovHub XR Conference
In-Person Event at the George Washington University
Our Immersive Digital Future: The International Policy Implications of Extended Reality
June 9 – 10, 2022
Immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) can change how we see and interact with the world. But we don’t know how these technologies (hereafter XR) may affect global governance and international relations.
The conference will include some 8 panels on various aspects of how XR will change international affairs and how governments are using XR to achieve international objectives.
How XR may affect key issues and institutions of international governance such as national security, democracy, human rights, and international economic cooperation.
How XR challenges the role of the nation-state, corporations, and individuals.
How some countries are already adapting to the opportunities and risks posed by XR.
Audience & Format
The 2-day event will be free and open to all, bringing together policymakers and thought leaders in the field to discuss how XR is likely to impact different areas of cross-border importance. The conference is aimed at a general audience that has some understanding of data-driven change but is keen to know more. The conference will consist of speakers in various formats, but at all times, the audience will be able to question our experts. We will conclude with a half-hour dialogue among audience participants.
Event Organizers
DataGovHub Director
Susan Aaronson
Koch Research Fellow
Adam Zable
GWU Institute for International Economic Policy
Internet Society of Washington DC
Korea Economic Institute