Events / XR, AI, and Human Rights

XR, AI, and Human Rights

November 1, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, Washington, DC

Data-driven technologies such as XR and AI could, if effectively designed and deployed,  enhance human rights because they expand individual capabilities. XR uses computer-generated virtual environments to enhance an individual’s capabilities and experiences, AI, in contrast, attempts to replicate the way humans understand and process information and, combined with the capabilities of a computer, process vast amounts of data without flaws. But computers lack moral and ethical reasoning skills although some people assert that computers can be trained with the “right” data. Yet many believe these technologies undermine a wide range of human rights from access to information, privacy, freedom of speech and association, and rights to non-discrimination, as an example. Please join us as we examine whether the brave new world of XR and AI will usher in greater realization of human rights or individuals will have less opportunity to reach their potential.


Moderator: Prof. Susan Aaronson, Director of the Digital Trade and Data Governance Hub – GWU, and CIGI Senior Fellow.