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Building Trust in AI: A Landscape Analysis of Government AI Programs
As countries around the world expand their use of artificial intelligence (AI), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has developed the most comprehensive website on AI policy, the OECD.AI Policy Observatory. Although the website covers...
Building trust in digital trade will require a rethink of trade policy-making
In 2019, Shinzo Abe, then Prime Minister of Japan, stated that if the world wanted to achieve the benefits of the data-driven economy, members of the World Trade Organization should find a common approach to combining ‘data free flow with trust’. However, he never...
Biden’s New AI Policy Falls Short on a Key Problem
The Biden administration’s new “Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights” is simultaneously a big step forward and a disappointment. Released last week, the blueprint articulates a set of principles that could address some of the major concerns about artificial intelligence...