How Congress can rein in Trump’s trade tantrums

How Congress can rein in Trump's trade tantrums featured

The Trump administration’s labeling of China as a currency manipulator and its escalation of tariffs on Chinese products are reminders that the United States has transformed from the world’s leading advocate of rules-based trade agreements into a protectionist bully. Yet President Trump’s tariffs do nothing to improve the competitiveness of the firms he’s protecting. Moreover, they undermine trust in the United States as a reliable partner and could plunge many nations into recession..

Recent Publications

Data Is a Development Issue

Data Is a Development Issue Featured

Many wealthy states are transitioning to a new economy built on data. Individuals and firms in these states have expertise in using data to create new goods and services as well as in how to use data to solve complex problems. Other states may be rich in data but do not yet see their citizens’ personal data or their public data as an asset. Most states are learning how to govern and maintain trust in the data-driven economy; however, many developing countries are not well-positioned to govern data in a way that encourages development.

Recent Publications

A leader in profiting from data, America lags in protecting our information

A leader in profiting from data, America lags in protecting our information featured

The United States has a commanding lead in the data-driven economy, in which firms collect, analyze and monetize data to solve complex problems and create new goods and services. Many of the largest data-driven firms were created and are headquartered here, and U.S. companies are also at the forefront of new data-based services such as autonomous vehicles, personalized health care and personal assistants such as Siri and Alexa…

Recent Publications

America’s uneven approach to AI and its consequences

America’s uneven approach to AI and its consequences

The ecological balance of the ocean has been disturbed by invasive species and cholera. Many pesticides and nutrients used in agriculture end up in the coastal waters, resulting in oxygen depletion that kills marine plants and shellfish. Meanwhile the supply of fish is declining due to overfishing. Yet to flourish, humankind requires healthy oceans; the oceans generate half of the oxygen we breathe, and, at any given moment, they contain more than 97% of the world’s water. Oceans provide at least a sixth of the animal protein people eat. Living oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce climate change impacts.

Recent Publications

Data Minefield? How AI Is Prodding Governments to Rethink Trade in Data

DATA MINEFIELD? How AI Is Prodding Governments to Rethink Trade in Data

Many of the world’s leaders are focused on the opportunities presented by AI the machines, that, u systems or applications that can perform tasks

until recently, could only be performed by a human. In September 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin told Russian schoolchildren, “Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world (Putin quoted in 2017). Many countries, including Canada, China, the United States and EU member states, are competing to both lead the development of AI and dominate markets for AI.

Recent Publications

Why the World Needs a New Approach to Governing Cross-border Data Flows

Data Is Different: Why the World Needs a New Approach to Governing Cross-border Data Flows

Companies, governments and individuals are using data to create new services such as apps, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. These data-driven services rely on large pools of data and a relatively unhindered flow of data across borders (few market access or governance barriers). The current approach to governing cross-border data flows through trade agreements has not led to binding, universal or interoperable rules governing the use of data. Most countries with significant data-driven firms are in the process of debating how to regulate these services and the data that underpins them.

Recent Publications

A Comprehensive Approach to Digital Trade Provisions in NAFTA 2.0

Information Please: A Comprehensive Approach to Digital Trade Provisions in NAFTA 2.0

In 2017, the International Telecommunications Union reported that almost half (48 percent) of the world’s 7.6 billion people are online. Every day, more people — especially citizens in the developing world — gain internet access. As these individuals supply, demand and send ever more data across borders, they are also creating a global digital economy. As data flows between individuals, firms and governments across borders, these entities process that data, creating new services. Because many of these cross-border data flows are directly or indirectly associated with a commercial transaction, they are essentially “traded.”

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